Celebrating the past at Culture Day

Lori Penner, The Red River Valley Echo, September 20, 2018

Neubergthal was the place to be on Saturday, Sept. 15 if you love colourful stories, historical facts, housebarns, soup and platz and live music.

Culture Day encompassed all of these things, and drew about 300 people to the historical village.

Some of the highlights of the day included Low German presentations, an artisan market and the evening event featuring Andrew Bergman of The Daily Bonnet and music by the Letkeman Bros.

Organized by the NHF and run by volunteers, Culture Day is a celebration of the history and culture of Neubergthal and area.

The NHF is a not-for profit organization actively seeking to preserve and share the heritage of this storied village.

Neubergthal was founded in 1876 by early Mennonite settlers and was recognized as a National Historic Site in 1989.

Summer coordinator Graham Schellenberg says it was great to see people of all ages interested in their history and experiencing other cultures, as well.

The annual event saw huge growth this year.

“Culture Day has rapidly expanded from a very small community event two years ago to a large event drawing visitors from across the world. We had people form the Netherlands in attendance, as well as multiple people from other parts of Canada,” Schellenberg says.

Proceeds from Culture Day help the NHF cover its operating expenses.

Schellenberg adds that feedback from the event has been very positive.

“People are happy to see the history of their ancestors and of Mennonites at large preserved. A lot has changed in Neubergthal with the progress of the Commons, and we want to make this a place where people come together.”